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Letter to Pro-Life Libertarian Party Members

by Doris Gordon
Libertarians for Life
Copyright © 1996

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Dear Friends,

The Libertarian Party will celebrate its 25th anniversary when it holds its convention this July. At that time, Libertarians for Life will be almost 20 years old, having been born at the September 1976 LP convention, also held in Washington, DC.

Perhaps we can achieve something at the 1996 LP convention that we can celebrate. To this end, I am asking you for your suggestions and assistance.

The LP platform stands in favor of abortion choice even until the child is being delivered. What would you like to see done about this? I've enclosed some articles that will give you an idea of what LFL has been doing. Please make copies and circulate them as widely as possible.

It would be good if everyone who opposes the LP's stand would know what ideas others are putting forward so that we don't end up working at cross purposes with each other. I, of course, want the party to take a pro-life stand. Being realistic, however, I think the party should simply drop any and all support for legal abortion. Some people have suggested, alternatively, that the party recognize in its platform that libertarians are divided.

We may not be able to gain enough support for any positive change, and the present abortion stand may remain -- or be made worse, as happened in 1993. If either is the case, I think we should call for the party to at least justify its position to abortion survivors, and to do this in writing. Currently, if LP legislators would vote consistently with the LP platform, they would vote for the government to use its lethal power to protect abortion and outlaw the defense of the children who are being killed and injured by it. As the Party of Principle, where is the LP's principled reason for this position?

Don't forget that LFL will have an exhibit table at the LP convention. And mark your calendars: LFL will hold a seminar there on July 4th at 5 PM: "Libertarians for Life -- 20 Years and Looking Ahead."

If you do anything on this, you will be of great help to me if you send me details. If you have no time but are able to send money to help defray my expenses, that would be nice, too. But please, when you talk to other libertarians, at least tell them about what's happening.

Thanks and best wishes,

Doris Gordon, Libertarians for Life

LFL explains and defends the libertarian case against abortion choice. Our reasoning is expressly scientific and philosophical rather than either pragmatic or religious, or merely political or emotional.

Libertarians for Life
13424 Hathaway Drive
Wheaton, MD 20906
footlogo.gif (5216 bytes) Phone: 301/460-4141
Email: dorisgordon@comcast.net
Web Sites: http://www.L4L.org

Logos Courtesy of Lonnie R. Williams